Jesus on Prophecy
Begins April 19, 2024
Jesus on Prophecy
Begins April 19, 2024
We all need hope!
We live in a world of political and financial unrest, social injustice, increasing natural disasters, and a changing culture where anxiety, stress, and depression are skyrocketing out of control. Jesus on Prophecy is a series of in-person and live-streamed events where you will hear messages straight from the Bible that will open before you a bright and hopeful future. Come and learn why many who have attended these seminars have said, “I have learned more about the Bible in the last few weeks than I have in my whole life.”

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Free Children’s Program

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Free Bible When You Attend 12 Sessions

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Free Children’s Program

Free Study Material

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Free Bible When You Attend 12 Sessions

Meet Our Speaker
Taylor walked away from God at a young age. However, he soon came to realize the emptiness of a life without God, and found peace and fulfillment in the Bible. Today he gladly shares the same messages of hope that transformed his life with thousands around the world. Taylor presents the keys to unlock Bible prophecy in a clear, enthusiastic, and compelling way that will leave you uplifted and inspired! His dynamic, illustrated presentations make Bible prophecy surprisingly easy to understand. Whether you are a pastor or have never opened the Bible before, this seminar is for you!

Meet Our Speaker
Taylor walked away from God at a young age. However, he soon came to realize the emptiness of a life without God, and found peace and fulfillment in the Bible. Today he gladly shares the same messages of hope that transformed his life with thousands around the world. Taylor presents the keys to unlock Bible prophecy in a clear, enthusiastic, and compelling way that will leave you uplifted and inspired! His dynamic, illustrated presentations make Bible prophecy surprisingly easy to understand. Whether you are a pastor or have never opened the Bible before, this seminar is for you!

This pioneering series will also include practical tips on improving your mental health by Brian Mears, APRN and the CEO of Alleviant Integrated Mental Health. A leader in brain health, Dr. Mears blends his medical knowledge with the wisdom of Biblical teachings, promising a pathway to mental peace. This series seeks to elevate individuals towards hope, joy, and peace, revealing life’s purpose amidst modern challenges.